November 10/11, 2013 "The Coming Messiah" Week 9 Isaiah 7:1 - 12:6 For this Week 9 Study, we will be focusing on passages Isaiah 7:14, 9:1-8, 11:7-12:6 ======================== DIVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES ======================== ======================== First Division: Isaiah explains how Israel will have a leader who will end Israel's gloom. [Isaiah 7:14, 9:1-6] Principle #1: Jesus is with those who walk in the light of His Word and He saves them from their sins. ======================== Second Division: Isaiah reveals the future leader's name and that He will be an eternal descendant of David. [Isaiah 9:6&7, John 1:12] Principle #2: Jesus is the only person ever born who has manifested so many characteristics consistent with Isaiah's description of the future eternal leader of Israel. ======================== Third Division: Isaiah describes the future leader's reign, restoration, rally, and Israel's rejoicing. [Isaiah 11:1-12:6] Principle #3: Spreading God's Word to the point it floods the entire earth is God's way of turning Satan's world into God"s world. ========================