Solomon's Wisdom, Lesson 11 "Lovers Together" Song of Solomon 1:1 - 5:1 DIVISIONS & PRINCIPLES Division #1: Solomon describes the development of romantic love. [Songs 1:1-17] Principle #1: Romantic love that leads to marriage appropriately includes: A. Physical attraction B. Mutually desirable reputations C. Support from loved ones D. Possible feeling of inadequacy E. Verbal intimacy, praise, and trust F. Subjective desire G. Desire of self improvement Division #2: Solomon describes the development of exclusivity, mutuality, and need for sexual restraint before marriage. [Songs 2:1 - 4:16] Principle #2: Marital romantic love will include mutuality, commitment, honesty, and forgiveness before physical attraction is expressed in physical union. Division #3: Solomon's Song reveals how God's gift of sex is to be used and enjoyed. [Songs 5:1] Principle #3: God wants us to develop and experience sex and the kind of love described in this song in marriage.