March 2/3, 2014 (Week 22) "Disobedient Israel and God’s Obedient Servant” Isaiah 48:1–50:11 ======================== DIVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES ======================== ======================== First Division: God reveals "new things" are coming but Israel will not listen. Isaiah 48:1-22 Principle 1: Listening to God brings peace and righteousness. ======================== Second Division: God reveals the new things involve a Servant who will accomplish what Israel would not. Isaiah 49:1-50:3 Principle 2: Not listening to God's Word results in rebellion and missed opportunity. ======================== Third Division: The Servant reveals the source of His success Isaiah 50:4-26 Principle 3: Being Jesus' servant requires listening to God's Word regularly, determination to obey it and trusting God for help. ========================