Philippians 1:12-30, Lesson 2: "Paul's Personal Testimony" Week 26 ======================== DIVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES ======================== ======================== First Division: Paul rejoiced because the Gospel of Christ was being preached. [Philippians 1:12-18] Principle #1: : The spreading of the Gospel is so important that everything else pales in comparison to it. ======================== Second Division: Paul rejoiced because Christ’s Gospel would be exalted in his body. [Philippians 1:18-26] Principle #2: By living lives that manifest our salvation, we expose others to Christ and by dying, we live with Christ forever. ======================== Third Division: Paul exhorts the Philippians to be unified and contend for the Gospel of Christ. [Philippians 1:27-30] Principle #3: Subordinating our differences over non-essentials in order to constantly promote the Gospel evidences our salvation and convicts non-believers. ========================